February was great. The weather was seriously so delightful the last half of the month. RLC and I were outside and it was "suns out-legs out". The warmer weather has let me branch out in my closet and it has helped me feel more stylish and have different options. I feel over jeans a little bit and ready to style more from my closet. I am not quite ready to grab the summer totes from the garage yet. I have started planning my outfits the night before so I don't get flustered in the morning and throw something on I am not JAZZED about. Because lets be honest, that is what happens. We have every desire to dress to feel good about ourselves for the day and then next thing you know you needed to leave 5 minutes ago and the baby is only in a cloth diaper, has breakfast all over her face and you just quickly throw on jeans and flannel. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but sometimes I just want to style myself more. I had a long talk with my sister about my desire to style from my closet. It makes me happy, it makes me work hard to see things differently. It makes me happy when I feel good and I LOVE what I am wearing. The weather is making me excited for true spring and shorts weather. I already have a few outfits in my head for when I think I can actually wear shorts. I am thinking April. I did bust out my birkenstocks. I love birks, like love them. I haven't started wearing my white pair yet, I am a little bit classic in that I won't wear them until after Easter. I bought 2 "new to me" items. An Umgee Tunic that is a pictured and a LulaRoe kimono style. Need to try it on and if it doesn't work it will be gifted to my mama, she also loves a full closet. So total for the year am I at 4 items? I will try and keep track.
I am really fighting the good fight with my hair. I am forever trying to find the right formula of products so that my curls have enough shape, but not overly producty. I will always have frizz, but I don't want to be a frizz ball. I am debating a big cut, but then when I see pictures I love the ability to wear it differently. Oy, tough decisions!

I also need to shout out to my girl, Rachel. My husband is away for a few days and the self timer pictures are no good. The red sweatshirt above was taken with a self timer and it only got my top 75%. So thank you Rachel for indulging me.